We sell grade AAA+ quality replica designer shoes, fake clothes, handbags, belts and so on. Our customers are from all over the world, they love our products.

How to place an order?

It is very easy to place an order from us.
  1. view our website, and choose the products you want to order, add them to the shopping cart. and you can canel any products after you choose them.At the same time you can change the quantity.
  2. Sumbit your order list, then fill your information.
  3. Choose the payment way and shipping way you like.
  4. Check your information and order list again, if there are errors or if you want to change some products,you can go back to change them.
  5. If everything is ok,please submit your order online.
  6. We will send e-mail to you about your order list and the amount including shipping cost. If you agree with the amount, please pay for them and send e-mail back to us.
  7. Usually,we will ship the goods to you within 2 working days after we receive the money.
  8. We will give you a tracking number after we ship them to you,so you can track it online.
  9. After you receive the goods, please tell us if there is any problem with your order,we will do our best to help you.If there are problems about the shipping, please contact us, we will do our best to help you.